The new standard for care
About Us
E.R.S Health was established to tackle the shortage of healthcare workers. Our focus is on providing well-trained and high-quality staff whenever and wherever they are needed. Our goal is to deliver personalized and compassionate care to people who are unable to care for themselves in their own homes. We recognize the benefits of independent living and the positive impact it has on an individual's quality of life. We collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams and partner with local authorities, health and social care trusts, and the community to provide the best support to our service users, tailored to their unique needs.
To commit to:
a person-centered and inclusive partnership-based approach to our service delivery, which embraces every individual in receipt of our service, their family/carer, local authority/health and social care trusts, and other agency colleagues.
every individual in our service in order that they should have a stable fulfilling environment that enables them to retain their independence and remain in control of choices and decisions
every individual’s rights in order that they continue to have Independence, Sense of Security, feel that their dignity is respected, feel empowered through acknowledging their Civil Rights, and uphold principles of Confidentiality.
Promoting an all-inclusive culture and spirit which transcends the racial, cultural, religious, sexual, and social background of every individual in our care;
Recruitment of the best appropriately qualified staff who will reflect our multicultural society, train, support, develop and empower them to deliver unequaled service to every individual in our service.
Providing a seamless 24-hour service to every individual person in our service 365 days a year.
Our Services
30 min
Price On Application1 hr
Price On Application24 hr
Price On Application
Contact Us
1.1 B & C Litchurch Plaza, Litchurch Lane, Derby, UK, DE24 8AA
01332 321 727, 07746117191, 07354483234